Do You Have An Anxious Child?

Kate lives in Somerset with her husband and three teenage children.

Several years ago, their daughter, now 15, began to suffer with anxiety. Over the course of three years, she went from being a relaxed, happy, sporty school girl to a fearful rabbit in a spotlight – refusing to go to school altogether.  Engaging seriously with the anxiety, Kate took her daughter to endless sessions of CBT, counselling and therapy.  

The anxiety got worse.  

Kate came across the 3 Principles and the teachings of Sydney Banks and everything changed. She saw the truth of her own and her daughter’s unbreakable spirit.  Life went from being serious, dark and fearful, to being light, gentle and more fun.  Kate felt the truth and magnitude of this message and since then has been sharing this understanding in the hope of bringing more joy to those who listen and hear within.

Here is her story.