A Little Peace of Mind

a simple step-by-step program to help you find freedom from anxiety, panic attacks and stress

and get your life back

are you limiting your life?

We all experience anxiety from time to time – we’re human beings after all

But if those feelings of fear, anxiety and even panic are starting to restrict your freedom, please know you don’t have to live your life that way.

Take a moment to think what it would be like if you didn’t have to control every element of your life in order to ‘manage’ the fear.

You used to be ‘normal’ – back in the old days……

What if you could just have your life back?

“Just go do the thing”, they say.

…If only…

does this describe you?

Sweaty palms and a racing heart mean you avoid the places, people and things that seem to cause it. Angry at yourself because you lack the confidence to do the the things other people seem to do so effortlessly. Guilty as if you’re letting your husband/wife and kids down because of your fears

You’ve might have had a panic attack and you’ll do anything to make sure it doesn’t happen again

But most importantly…You notice your world is a whole lot smaller than it was a year ago.

it doesn’t have to be that way…


…if you didn’t have to control every element of your life in order to ‘manage’ the anxiety that comes up if you don’t.

What could you do that you’re too anxious to do? Leave the house? Grow your business without being a scaredy-pants all the time? Change careers? Go for that promotion? Truly relax and/or do that adventurous stuff with your kids?

Imagine if you could stop doing all those things you feel like you need to do to ‘feel in control’ like staying close to home, having to know who will ‘rescue’ you if you dissove into a panic, obsessively checking you have your phone with you, ‘just in case’.

What opportunities could you love to say ‘yes’ to that you’re so used to saying ‘no’ to that you’ve forgotten ‘yes’ is even an option?

There is a way to experience the total freedom that comes when anxiety drops away and it’s simpler than you think.

please, let me help

My name is Nicola Bird and I was that woman, living a life constrained in every one of the ways listed above. I understand how bad it feels.

And I’m living proof that it’s possible to get your life back.

After over 20 years of struggling with my own panic attacks and anxiety, I stumbled across this completely revolutionary way of resolving anxiety.

The work that I do now  is to share with people just like you a simple understanding that transformed my own life, melted away my anxiety and means I’m able to play the game of life in a much bigger way and ditch the control freak.

that’s why I created a little peace of mind

how does it work?

This program doesn’t require you to ‘go outside your comfort zone’, it doesn’t require you to ‘face your fears’. No controlling your state of mind or strategies to ‘control’ your anxiety.

No relaxation and breathing techniques, no tapping, visualisations and monitoring your thoughts. 

Just understanding how the mind works and where peace of mind really lies.

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1. online curriculum

Weekly videos delivered to your inbox to take you step-by-step in bite-sized chunks through everything you need to re-discover your own peace of mind.

Simply watch. That’s all that’s required of you.

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2. weekly support

Group coaching calls every Monday at 3pm Eastern/ 8pm UK held online. 

Ask your questions or sit quietly and listen to others being coached if you prefer – either way you’ll leave the call with insights into your own mental health.

3. community

You’re not alone. 

Here’s a space with others who understand your struggles but who are all looking to understand more about mental health and where that lies.

4. coaching

You’ll have the opportunity to book additional private coaching sessions with myself and my team of trained Practitioners. 

These are optional and start from just £35 

start today

I know you’ve tried everything. I know you think this is ‘just another one of those programs’. 

But please don’t pass up this opportunity to find out if what I have to teach you could be the thing that changes your life from this point on. Forever.

Join us. Be inspired what our clients share in our Community about how their lives have changed. Watch the first few modules. Join the Q&A call.

I hope you’ll discover you’ve found your way home.

and it’s just £30 to get started.

what others are saying...

James experienced chronic and severe anxiety which he thought was a result of the traffic noise outside of his house.

James experienced chronic and severe anxiety which he thought was a result of the traffic noise outside of his house.

“If you’d have asked me a month ago that I would be where I am now, I’d never have believed you. That I consider myself to be innately healthy, perfect, not broken or lacking is truly amazing. 

Just over three years ago I admitted myself into a mental health facility and thought that I would be lost forever.  Just over 12 months ago I was in such deep depression that I was suicidal.  But now thanks to you and the three principles all that has changed.

I have never resonated with anything like I have with this.  I really mean it when I say that I think that you have created a brilliant program, it is accessible to people on many levels and budgets and can be applied across so many disciplines, not just anxiety.

You have made me rethink who I am.  I know I cannot change in essence, underneath…..but I still have to say that who I am externally, how I am in the world,  with my patients and my loved ones is not the same. I’m more confident, compassionate, calm and content.”



Good question, especially as my guess is you’ve tried everything else you can find to shift this problem. Here’s my answer. If you find yourself drawn to this page, it’s already ‘working’ 🙂

You’ve heard something inside you that is pulling you towards health. The aim of this program is to continue that journey – through the facilitation of your own insights.

Can we guarantee you’ll get the insight you want during the next 6 weeks?


Will being in this conversation considerably tilt the odds in your favour?


And here’s my promise to you. If you decide to join the program and at the end of the six weeks you’re not completely happy that you did, let me know within 2 weeks of the end of the program and I will refund you 100%.

Then this is NOT the right program for you. We do have a follow-on program for graduates of our core Programs – contact us to learn more.

The weekly clinic calls run at 3pm Eastern/ 8pm UK each Monday as I try to accommodate as many time zones as possible.

If you can’t make the calls live, don’t worry, there will a replay of each call available within 24 hours.

Here’s the thing ALL anxiety is made of the same ‘stuff’ – insecure thinking that we’ve innocently taken to be real and true.

Most of us live in a simple misunderstanding and it really looks like (insert the thing it looks like you’re up against) can make us feel a certain way. When we correct this misunderstanding, when we see how our human experiences really get created and who and what we are underneath all that noise – the completely healthy, unbreakable part of us – there’s something about seeing that which means instead of trying to ‘manage’ our anxiety or symptoms, the anxiety somehow seems to dissolve away.

Everything else I’ve personally come across in this field is an attempt to help us deal with our anxious thinking. As long as we keep tapping, saying our affirmations, doing the scary stuff anyway or meditating, we can hold the anxiety at bay.

That is exhausting. And impossible.

What I do is different in that I point you in a direction upstream of your anxious thinking. To what’s actually causing it. Understand and resolve that and bam! No techniques required. I promise you there is ALWAYS less to do than you think. Which should come as a relief – you control freak! ( said with love as a recovered one)

I have a BSC in Psychology and an MSC in Occupational Psychology. I’m a trained Master Transformational Coach and have been coaching individuals for nearly twenty years.

But I believe what’s more relevant is I’ve been where you’re at. And I’m 100% through the other side. It’s this combination that I believe makes what I have to offer you unique and valuable.

No problem! Just click here to contact me and ask away – my team and I are always happy to hear from you.

here's what others had to say

Sandra’s anxiety was all around going to shops, to other busy places and just seeing other people.

Emma felt extremely uncomfortable leaving her house, hard when you have 2 small children.

Like many people, I had spent years trying to fix me. I had almost resigned myself to my life being the best it was ever going to get; but I knew I was being short changed. Now I feel like the butterfly has emerged from the chrysalis. There’s colour in my world, a song in my heart and wind in my sails. I can sleep, I’m at peace and I feel truly happy; and yet nothing in my life has changed: just me! I will forever be grateful to Nicola, her team and all the members of A Little Peace of Mind who have shared their thoughts and experiences and given advice. You cannot put a price on being given your life back ❤️
After struggling really badly for over 10 years, with what I thought was unresolved grief from losing my sister, and Mum I stumbled upon Nicola's programme and joined up...Slowly but surely everything she said made complete sense to me. I feel completely different now, I no longer search to try and fix myself, as i now know I was never even broken in the first place. The pain of loss has been replaced with pure gratitude of living in the moment! 100% recommend this life changing programme.
I’m feeling so much better than I have in the last seven years thanks to A Little Peace of Mind. I don’t need to do the hard sell on this. It just works and all you have to do is listen and let go while Nicola eases you through the understanding. Best thing I ever did for myself.
This program is the answer to it all. This is the shift. When you start to get a true understanding of how we really work, it takes load off the table. You start to change and shift. It has taken me down a road of more of my spirituality and meaning to life. I can’t thank you enough Nicola for this wonderful program 💜
There are times when something impacts your life so profoundly that words don’t even do it justice . At the same time you want to find those words so you can share and pass along your experience with others . You want others who have walked the same lonely path of anxiety to not be afraid anymore , to not be alone and to not give up hope ! Finding A Little Peace of Mind and Nicola Bird has changed my life so profoundly. All by joining and listening to the 12 week program. after years of trying everything to escape the grip anxiety had on me. I have my life back , I am no longer a prisoner to my anxiety, I get to be present again and loving life! If you have heard any of Nicola words and they provided you a flicker of hope... then keep listening and don’t give up. Come join this supportive community that has grown to be my family from around the globe who wraps you in a warm embrace, reaches out a hand when your in need . All you need to do is listen to the words and be open to consider could this be true. what I have gained through insight by being part of little peace of mind I now know none has to suffer from mental illness or anxiety. Anyone can have this gift of wellness and freedom. I wish there were no more victims of anxiety . This program points you in the right direction to find what you have always been looking for! I will be filled with gratitude for a lifetime and beyond for clicking that button that day to join ALPOM . My gratitude to Nicola for stepping out and sharing this gift with as many people as she can! Can’t say enough however I can say if you do nothing else... join ALPOM! ❤️❤️
I can't believe it has been a year now since I started this program and I have my life back!!! No more morning dread and an endless list of body symptoms. Thanks to this understanding I no longer take my life, and the feelings of being anxious so seriously, knowing they will pass and all is well. Thank you Nicola and ALPOM for showing me the way......life is to be lived loudly, proudly and anxiety free. 😃😃
Just this August, after years without, this is what I did : Broadway show, two full length films on TV, a two hour hike in the heat, driving to JFK airport and back. No issues before, during, after. This program is a freaking miracle!
This isn’t just another one of those ‘magic fixes’, this truly is the path to freedom from anxiety. During my journey with Nicola I have discovered a completely new perspective on life. My mind is quieter and everything looks more hopeful and exciting. And all just through listening and being open to change.
Simply life changing! I no longer blame my external world for the way that I feel I see that it is all just thought that can change in a minute. I am content and at peace with whatever is going on in my life. So grateful to Nicola and her team.
If I could, I'd buy this program and give it to my 25 year old self. At 49 I've finally found the freedom that I was searching for under every rock for the past 24 years. It's not a fix or a thing to do. It's taking a course on anxiety and watching as it's power over you slides away the more you understand it. It's freedom.
After a life time of anxiety (I'm now 46) I feel I hit a peak last year where I knew if I didn't find someway of getting better then I really was looking a t a terminal condition. I tried so many techniques, but all of them wore me out - when you said in week one that there was nothing I really had to do I nearly cried with relief! I have been so tired of trying to control this thing. Who knew that just relinquishing control could make such a difference. My anxiety was triggered by world events - when I get I'll I check the news up to fifty times an hour. This trigger will hopefully explain to you why 2016 ended up being so bloody awful for me (it was a pretty shit year for ' normal' folk!) However, now as the world is apparently still going bonkers, I am alright. I check the news, and keep myself informed like a normal person . When I do see an alarming headline, which would have previously sent me into panic and despair, I am able to think ' It's all ok.’ I cannot tell you how wonderful this is! Just like you I am grateful for the horrors of my anxiety because I am really appreciating how amazing normal feels! I have come this far in just five of your sessions! I am so excited about what is to come!! Thank you xxx
I can't even describe how A Little Peace of Mind has changed me as a person, I had tried everything but to no avail, I started on this journey 11 months ago, quiet honestly expecting nothing to change it was just another way of somebody exploiting people with anxiety issues like we have seen so many adverts for, but I couldn't have been further from the truth, this programme has given me back my life, my family, my friends, as every living moment was consumed with my thoughts, and my actions followed, I honestly couldn't see the wood for the trees, trying to put into words what Nicola and the team have done is near impossible. It's a freedom that had been lost, a life that existed ...... not lived. Every day just led into the next with no purpose or meaning, that is all gone now, I can't wait to embrace life good or bad, this programme has shown me how to do this, and the support on line is brilliant, Please don't hesitate in making change possible, you will not regret it, this programme does work and because most of the team have stood in our shoes they understand what we are going through, help is always there if you need it. Here's to new beginnings. X
This isn’t just another one of those ‘magic fixes’, this truly is the path to freedom from anxiety. During my journey with Nicola I have discovered a completely new perspective on life. My mind is quieter and everything looks more hopeful and exciting. And all just through listening and being open to change.
Nicola, something is changing! I can't get my head round this but I've driven over 100 miles up the motorway today, overtaking lorries all the way. First one was a bit wobbly, but after that I settled and was fine. I don't think I've done anything other than a bit of letting the thought pass. I'm so happy to have been able to do this today.
So, so glad Nicola's programme popped up on my Facebook newsfeed. Helping me deal with anxiety and see it in a whole new light is actually the bonus... this programme has taught me so much more and continues to do so. I'm staying in this conversation indefinitely. I have become so much more at home with myself and peaceful than I ever was before. Nicola and her team are amazing, I highly recommend this on so many levels 💕💕
I joined this program knowing I was being led by my anxieties in life and not experiencing freedom of choice. What Nicola showed me was how I was missing a piece of understanding, so simple and yet so profound. It has been a wonder filled journey and it was a sheer relief to be guided along the way in such an easygoing manner with no judgement whatsoever. I would recommend this program to anybody wanting a deeper understanding of how every human being experiences life and how to enjoy the ride of life along the way! A heartfelt thank you to Nicola
So this morning an amazing thing happened. I had to get to St Pancras station and I agreed to 'try' to go on the tube - Victoria line from Vauxhall. 7 stops deep underground. A few brief moments of discomfort but no panic. Can't believe it. 6 weeks ago I wouldn't have entertained the idea. Thank you so much Nicola you really have changed my life x
Just wanted to share positive results after week 1!! I've had anxiety for the past 5 years resulting from a health issue that has now gone but left me fearful. This is very restricting . I fear going out far from home, trains, planes, busy places, work ( feel stuck until 5pm, what if I feel panic and can't leave) and my worst fear is night time. This means, I don't go out at night. I only work part time. I don't travel far and when I leave the house I have to have all kind of pills on me incase I feel unwell. Always need water and a portable phone charger. THIS IS amazing... I watched the first video. Felt like something clicked. Went to London a few days later to visit friends for the weekend. No anxiety on the train, no anxiety walking around London. I felt so good I asked my friend if we could go to the pub in the eve. I was amazed. Felt like I was in the moment and didn't think. Or at least... I didn't pay too much attention to my thoughts. Thanks, I hope things will stay like this
Game changing, life changing...peace of mind can be obtained if you truly become aware that thoughts are just illusions, are not real and are not who you are 💙🤗 Can't believe it. 6 weeks ago I wouldn't have entertained the idea. Thank you so much Nicola you really have changed my life x
So I'm not totally sure why this program works it just does. So much so that my Dr. Wants me to start wearing me off my medication. Nicola and shannon are wonderful leaders and James and Maryse are wonderful as well. All I can say is open your ears and just listen. Don't bother trying to figure things out its not worth the energy . Go with the flow. Key word being flow. The program also offers support from all of its members .