A little peace of mind

private coaching with nicola

If your current levels of anxiety are limiting your life and you would like to work with a coach personally, then I’d like to invite you to consider working with me, or one of my coaches, as a private coaching client.

Not dealing with your anxiety is costing you.

It might be costing you in terms of that business opportunity you’d love to go to but you’re scared of becoming overwhelmed.

It might be costing you financially as you’re unable to work at all.

It might be costing you your independence because you have to rely on other people to take you when you want to go out or you’re unable to travel.

It might be impacting on your children who sense your fear and it’s starting to rub off on them.

I know because I experienced all of these things.

Which is why I’m ideally placed to help you transform all of these experiences.

The Platinum Program is the most intimate personal way of working with me.

here's what's on offer

a sense of relief

as you realise that you don’t have to ‘control’ your anxiety in order to be OK

better relationships

as you start to settle down and become more present

increased freedom

to choose what you want to do with your life without having to be ruled by fear

ditch the control freak

as you start to drop all the ‘rules’ of what has to happen so that you don’t risk freaking out and embarrasing yourself

complete confidentiality

as you share what’s going on with someone who gets just where you’re at and knows there’s a way through

simply put...

freedom and peace of mind

how does it work?

The Platinum Program is a four-month long program designed to take you a personal journey from stress and anxiety to a peaceful life.

The program includes eight private coaching calls with me to explore the mental health and peace of mind that currently looks hidden to you – we’ll get that out in the open and we’ll show you how to live from a quiet mind more of the time.

You’ll be given access to the Little Peace of Mind Portal during our work together with online modules that will walk you step-by-step through the process to finding a little peace of mind and support the 1:1 work we do together. After the first 6 weeks of foundational modules, I’ll hand-pick which of our more advanced trainings (included in your package) would be most suitable for you as I get to know you better.

As well as our private coaching calls, you’ll find you’re never more than 6 days away from coaching and support with an invitation to our Monday Q&A Calls that take place with the coaches on my team once a week – calls designed to help you explore peace of mind and where that lies. 

And, on the first Tuesday of the month, I also hold a Deep Dive 90 minute coaching call for all our current coaching clients to get additional coaching and support.

how do I start?

nicola bird

A little about me – I am the founder of A Little Peace of Mind and the author of the book of the same name. I have a small number of places available to work with clients privately who feel their lives are limited by anxiety and worry and you can listen to how I found freedom from anxiety in this audio here.

Please note, I am only available for coaching sessions between 9am and 1pm UK times and have one coaching spot available to start in January 2022.

Your investment: £4,997

If you would like to work with me in this way, please book a 30 minute call below so I can find out a little more about you and let you know if I can help.